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Posting guidelines
Jane-Finch.com will post your event/announcement for free at our discretion. Your event/announcement must be relevant to the community and available at no cost. Please note we are providing free advertising to a large target audience. Therefore, only requests that adhere to the guidelines will be considered. Video blogs are preferred.
  • Maximum of 50 words
  • Include the 5 W's (who, what, when, where and why)
  • Keep it short and concise
  • Do not use all CAPITALS. We will not reformat your ad.
  • Shrink dates (use 'Jan. 1' not 'Friday, January 1st, 2009')
We no longer upload flyers, forms or attachments. You must upload them to your own server and include the link. You can use imageshack.com to upload attachments for free.
"Community Crisis Response Program"
March 31-April 3. Community Crisis Response Program: Training for front-line staff that play a role in supporting Toronto West communities in times of crisis. Registration deadline March 20, FREE. contact snahdi@toronto.ca or
phone 416-392-8697 for registration details.
Video blogs
We also accept video announcements of your event. All submissions become the property of Jane-Finch.com and we reserve the right to remove videos at any time. Video postings will reside on our blog channel.
  • Keep it under 2 minutes
  • Files should be under 200 MB
  • Include the 5 W's (who, what, when, where and why)
  • Feel free to make it creative
  • Include a text version of your video announcement
  • Files can be sent using a file upload service such as wetransfer.com
Tips for filming
  • Put your camera on a tripod to get a steady shot
  • Film in a quiet place to record clear sound
  • Feel free to shout out 'Jane-Finch.com'
Send requests to webmaster@jane-finch.com
Revised: June 2011

Terms of Use